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Technology July 24, 2023

Twitter Rebranding to

Elon Musk has announced yet again changes to the once most loved microblogging platform, Twitter. This time, the changes are not about features or paywalls but the name. Somehow we expected this. Mr. Elon announced on a Sunday that Twitter will soon shade its feathers, and the iconic Twitter bird will be replaced by X. By Monday US time, was already pointing at

Business, Technology July 5, 2023

Prepare for More Changes on Twitter!

Earlier on, Twitter published more limits to alleviate its behind-the-scene operations and reduce downtime. Some of these limits include 500 direct messages to be sent daily, 2,400 tweets per day, 400 follow limit, and account-based follow limits once a user follows 5,000 users. 

Technology July 4, 2023

How to Protect Your WhatsApp Against Hacking

WhatsApp allows you to customize privacy to fit your chatting needs. For instance, you can choose who you can share your profile picture with, who can see your status, or even chat with you. If you only need contacts that are saved on your phone to chat with you, so be it.