Elon Musk has announced yet again changes to the once most loved microblogging platform, Twitter. This time, the changes are not about features or paywalls but the name. Somehow we expected this. Remember when I wrote about Mr. Elon not being done with changes?

Well, it happened sooner than expected. Mr. Elon announced on a Sunday that Twitter will soon shade its feathers, and the iconic Twitter bird will be replaced by X. By Monday US time, x.com was already pointing at twitter.com.

Elon added that the interim X logo would also go live later on Monday, after which he shared a video of the Twitter headquarters with the new X symbol. According to a source, Mr. Elon reportedly emailed his employers on the impending changes, noting that it was the last time he was sending out emails with a Twitter email address.

Mr. Elon also pinned a post showing what Twitter’s new logo would look like. He mentioned that he is up for something minimalistic but would eventually make changes to refine the logo. In a separate post, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino confirmed the logo, which is now on Elon’s profile.

These mega changes have yet to spark online conversations, with most users expressing their dissatisfaction with their most-loved platform. One user claimed that they had already reached their maximum daily tweets and maybe the few hours of waiting launch would find them offline.

Another user expressed their dissatisfaction claiming that Mr. Elon would have fired his design team, hence the ‘below expectation’ logo. And as mentioned earlier, Mr. Elon is not yet done with the changes. It’s a matter of time, and we shall be back here with new updates. But in the meantime, let us wait and see.